Today I want to make an ancillary point from Scripture about something near and dear to my heart. Actually it's good for my heart: exercise.
I've heard people dismiss exercise while citing 1 Timothy 4:8 "...for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."
That's not a directive to ignore your health, it's an encouragement to NOT ignore your spiritual health. So, no doctrinal point is made about physical exercise, but this passage should certainly not be used to dismiss a daily jog.
Like I said, this is no doctrinal directive, but the passage does say that bodily training (exercise) is of some value. Regular physical activity helps control body weight, improves mood, combats and helps prevents all sorts of physical ailments, boosts energy levels, promotes better sleep and can actually be fun! Besides, you can't serve God if you're dead or laid up in bed.
This isn't a hill to die on (although one could possibly die on their way up a hill if they are not in good shape), but I believe that some form of regular exercise is a fantastic addition to this earthly life. Unlike godliness, which has value for both this life AND the next, physical exercise will only benefit you here, but it WILL benefit you.
You may already have a solid regimen like I have, and you know firsthand the benefits it brings to your body and mind. If, however, you are predominantly sedentary, please consider going for a walk this evening after dinner. Use the time to pray or listen to music or a sermon or just to soak up some quiet. You don't need a gym membership (unless that works for you), just get out and shoot hoop for a while or do those situps and pushups before bed or jump on a trampoline or pick up those dumbbells or ride bikes with your kids or borrow your neighbor's P90 DVDs or hoe the garden or hike the Grand Canyon in bare feet - whatever it is, get your heart pumping and your lungs huffing as often as possible. Oh, and please start eating better.....