Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When Nice Is Sin

Sometimes being "nice" in order to not offend can, in truth, be a sin. When we pull a punch or soft-pedal the Truth (notice the capital "T"), we are, in a very real sense, lying. And we are lying to the potential peril of someone's very soul. I think we (at least I) should begin to see Truth and Compassion as the best of friends. If Jesus was ever harsh with the Truth, it was because He could not, would not, lie.

As fallen creatures prone to self-preservation at any cost, it's vitally necessary that our defenses-turned-dungeons be broken down so that we can see the light of truth burning through the darkness.

"Sentimental love bleeds into the Christian mind in a form of niceness. It's easy to confuse nice with compassion, kindness or love. But nice is not a biblical word. Jesus was extremely un-nice at times, because He wanted to go deeply into people's lives, into their sin with the truth, and that's never nice." ~ J. Mack Stiles, Marks Of The Messenger


cjbooth85 said...

Nice post, hehe.

Seriously, I'm really convicted by this, because if you ask anyone who knows me, they'd say I'm "nice." Sometimes when I'm given a chance to make the Truth plain with someone, I'll backpedal a little in the interest of maintaining a continuing relationship with them (for the sake of further conversation). I don't know what to do with this: I want to continue an ongoing relationship, but can be afraid (concerned, not fearful) of losing that if I'm overly aggressive or direct with the Truth. Did I just repeat myself? I think so! Any thoughts on this Blaine?

The Blainemonster said...

I agree! I think what was going on in my head when I was writing was that "moment of truth" when it's kind of time to put up or shut up. That's different, in my mind anyway, than the gradual, intentional, relationship building that should, after all, earn us the title of "nice" (who wants to be a nasty Christian!) I mean, we've got to be nice to be winsome right? But there will hopefully come a time in those relationships when you've got to go past being "nice" for the sake of sparing someone's feelings, and be able to be brutally honest (which you can safely do because you've been nice) for the sake of saving someone's soul.

ALSO! I was kinda thinking of all of this in the context of preaching, as well. :) :)