Monday, June 25, 2012

Same Ol' Same Ol'

You know the old saw: what goes around, comes around.  Or, more Biblically stated: There is nothing new under the sun.  For all of mankind's advances over the centuries and the exponential growth of tech in the last two or three decades, we're not that much better off in terms of the typical human personal difficulties.  Wait - I don't mean difficulties, I mean sinful behavior. 

Our advances have made living on earth better (depending on who you ask), but they haven't made us better.  And this is why the Gospel is always relevant, and always needed, and should always be a priority. In Children Of The Living God, Sinclair Ferguson puts it like this:
"One of the reasons we continue to find the teaching of the New Testament so contemporary is becasue in every age people distort the teaching of the gospel in similar ways."
There you have it.  Scripture is always relevant because men have been and always will be the same. The answer to humanity's problem isn't technological advancement, even though "everything is amazing". The answer is the transforming, life-giving power of the true Gospel.

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