Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What "All Things" Are You Talking About?

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

This could possibly be one of the most misunderstood verses of Scripture. We've all seen this verse stamped on posters and images that depict people lifting weights at the gym or climbing a mountain or even hunting bear with a bow

The problem is, Paul didn't write those words because the Holy Spirit inspired him to encourage human achievement.  This statement is in fact the finishing thought for a section of Paul's letter to the Philippians in which he explains that he has learned to be content whether he's hungry or well fed, humiliated or living at ease. It's not a motivational speech to encourage you to achieve your full potential.  That's just mamby-pamby milk toast Westernized insipid Christianity talk right there.  No, this is a call to godly contentment.  IOW, no matter what circumstances life throws at me, I can be OK with that through Christ.

Paul wasn't working his way up in a company or trying to finish a thesis by a deadline.  His goal was to be obedient to God's call, and to do it with Christlike aplomb.  That, he was sure, could be accomplished through Christ who was his strength.

So, through him who strengthens me, I can remain faithful and true when my bank account has an definite echo, when my children are wayward or when I'm disillusioned in my marriage.  I can, because He does, grant me the endurance to actually be content no matter what my situation is because I know that He is sovereign.

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