Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Continuing On...

So it's a bit lazy to simply link to someone else's post, but it's sure easy when it comes to formatting.  Today I've linked to a post at the Contemporary Calvinist regarding John Piper's view on the continuation of spiritual gifts.  For those who care, I am a gentle continuationist (please note that is spelled differently than charismaniac).  By gentle, I mean that I'm not disposed to argue until I'm blue in the face about it, which might actually be mistaken for not caring that much.  But I do. 


I've come to appreciate (what I deem to be) measured, well-thought-out, and balanced perspectives in favor of continuationism from a Reformed/Calvinistic viewpoint.  I think Piper (et al.) does a good job with it.

You can read all about it right here. And I hope you will.


semper reformanda said...

there's actually 2 more (don't know if you saw those), but indeed, these were fantastic.

i sent them to everyone in our home fellowship last week...just about the perfect balance. our group lands across a pretty broad spectrum on these matters, and think this was encouraging for all.

semper reformanda said...

there's actually 2 more (don't know if you saw those), but indeed, these were fantastic.

i sent them to everyone in our home fellowship last week...just about the perfect balance. our group lands across a pretty broad spectrum on these matters, and think this was encouraging for all.

The Blainemonster said...

Yeah, I did actually. Enjoyed listening to them!

Deandra said...

Blaine! Thank you so much for sharing this! I was greatly encouraged by this today!

The Blainemonster said...

Mission accomplished! :)