Thursday, December 11, 2008

Russian Wisdom

Everybody has something to learn. The book of Proverbs starts off by stating that its mission is to give "prudence to the simple" and that the wise should "listen and add to their learning."

One of my favorite authors is a fine Russian gentleman by the name of Leo Tolstoy. No, I have not read War and Peace. I have five children, and tend to gravitate towards novels of a somewhat smaller nature. In Tolstoy's case, I have read most of his short stories. I think a lot of folks don't even know that Tolstoy wrote a whole stack of wonderfully rich short stories.

In "Three Questions", he tells the tale of a king on a quest for wisdom and I think it illustrates pretty well the words of Proverbs written above. This story is so short it's almost a fable, really. Just click on Leo's portrait and take five minutes to read it. You'll find out the right time to begin everything, the right people to listen to, and the most important thing to do! So go ahead and click, he's friendlier than he looks!

1 comment:

jennamduncan said...

i like that story! very good!