Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This Is How They Did It

Continuing on from the previous post, we consider the question of how the early church managed to turn the world upside down, even without all the money, power and bling that the modern church has at its disposal. Quoting again from The World Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips:

"How does it show? Had they advocated the overthrow of government? Had they campaigned against civil institutions? Had they taken out ads complaining when the world acted like...well, the world? Did they hold concerts, dances, 'forty days of sex' campaigns (as one pastor promoted)? No, no, no and you've-got-to-be-kidding-me, respectively."

The answer lies in the preaching, Phillips contends. And I agree.

"In all these towns and elsewhere, Paul went where the people were, and preached Christ to them, from Scripture. He preached the Gospel."

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