Wednesday, April 15, 2009


One of my sons got a haircut the other day, a major one. As in, we can actually see his eyes now! When I saw him for the first time after the haircut, I was actually startled. I couldn't believe how much he looked like me. A younger son has also inherited many of my features, including my darker skin.

Another one of my boys got his driver's license recently and his face is almost an exact replica of my wife's when she was his age. Yet another son looks just like my wife when he is sleeping.

There are many times that I regard our boys with wonder - I marvel at the mystery of these wonderful creations that are half me and half their mother and fully themselves. I see US in THEM. It can almost be too much to wrap my heart and mind around. Times like that, I feel such a bond with them and with my wife. For me, it just emphasizes the love we share and the family bond we have.

My hope and prayer is that my heavenly Father looks upon me and sees a family resemblance. I hope He sees His Son in me. I'm certainly not a perfect child; without a doubt I'm often quite disappointing. In spite of myself, however, I want more than anything to grow up to be like Christ. I'm comforted by the fact that, even though I am riddled with inconsistency and have at points in the past given my "family" a bad name, my Father is patient, I have His DNA, and I am becoming more like Christ as the years go by. Soli Deo gloria.

2 Corinthians 3: 18 "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."


jennamduncan said...

Dude!! He can't look like you!! I am marrying him!! :) But I definitely agree with the rest of your post! :)

Anonymous said...

Blaine, You certainly are! becoming more like him. I love watching you as Dad!! I to marvel at the things I see in you, Matt and Rhonda at different times, in looks and mannerisms. I can hardly tell you and Jack apart on the phone anymore, brayden too. Have to ask another question to be sure!! Love you much, MOM