Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wanting To Go Home

Don't you ever ache so much for some intangible thing that you think you might just come undone? Times of longing come into my life when I yearn so much for eternity that I'm not sure how to handle it. Some days there are sublime moments of revelation when peace comes rushing in and I sense that heaven is just around the corner. The Spirit of God gives enticing reminders that the best is yet to come. Sometimes it's as if I'm peering out of a window into the broad expanse of eternity and I hear the music, smell the joy and see the glory of God. For a few precious minutes, I feel that what is lacking in me is filled up and I know our "blessed hope" is real.

I quote from Mark Buchanan's book "Things Unseen":

"Isn't that how you feel much of the time? That what you want the most - and most of the time you're not even sure what this - seems always out of reach? That your most robust laughter rings with the echo of your weeping? That your most joyous homecomings are haunted at he edges by unnameable sorrows? That your victories and breakthroughs are mixed with complaint and doubt? That something's always missing?

"We were not created for earth alone. We were created for eternity."

For me, the longing, the "missing", is simply confirmation that the goal is still ahead - and it is most certainly there. I know that in Christ this promise is mine and my hope is secure. How I long for His appearing!

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