Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Love Is Waiting

This post is better read with music playing . . .

I can't imagine being more in love. I am head over heels for my wife.

Hardly a day passes that I don't think about the road we've travelled together. I think of the years I waited for her before we were married, and the 18 years we've been together since then. It's like recollecting the storyline of a great novel, and the cool thing is that we're right in the midst of it. Together, we have been through shadowy valleys that we would never have made it through alone. Adversity has hardened our resolve and times of ease have taught us to savor life together. We have experienced more than we ever thought we would, and our sons have taught us about a facet of love that we never imagined possible.

Often I stand back and marvel as I watch her interact with our boys. Her level of understanding is fascinating. Her intuition about them and care for them is astounding, and is truly a comfort to me - she knows how to care for them when I don't.

Without her to season my life, I am a bland and tasteless man. When she's gone, our home loses much of it's beauty and music. How happy I am, how blessed, that God has graciously given me my wife. She is my life and my love while this life lasts.

1 comment:

jennamduncan said...

haha. you little sap! :) she'll be back in a couple days, don't go crying all over the place! :)