Sunday, May 3, 2009

On Self Esteem

What is the notion that we need "self-esteem", or we need to get what's "best for us", as if we even understand what is best for us? What is best is to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand and in due time He will lift us up. Esteem myself? Foolish.

"If I esteem myself to be anything more, behold, Thou standest against me, and my iniquities bear true witness, and I cannot contradict it. But if I abase myself, and reduce myself to nothing, and shrink from all self-esteem, and grind myself to (what I am) dust, Thy grace will be favorable to me, and Thy light near unto my heart; and all self-esteem, no matter how little, shall be swallowed up in the valley of my nothingness, and perish forever."
~Thomas a Kempis, Of The Imitation of Christ

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