Tipping the Scales
So, South Carolina governor Mark Sanford has admitted to having an affair, even running off to Buenos Aires over Father's Day weekend for a fling with his mistress. Appropriately, people from all sorts of political persuasions are up in arms over this news. Hopefully, his political career will be over. Hopefully, he can salvage his marriage.
Alrighty then. Now, would someone please explain to me when the outrage will begin over the scores of Washington politicians who happily and eagerly become accomplices to murder every day? Hmmm? How is it that we can be (rightly) astonished and appalled over a man's extramarital affair, yet not be adamantly opposed to the daily killing of unborn children?Mankind's idea of justice is so lopsided and suited to whimsy."...for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery." 2 Chronicles 19:7
Hi Blaine, Would very much like to follow your posts with a reader but you only have your title showing up at the moment and this makes it frustrating as it defeats the purpose of following your feed. Would you consider changing your settings to show your entire post in your feed?
You bet, thanks for bringing that to my attention!
Heaps better mate - much easier to follow.
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