Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shadows, Steam and Vapors

You should know that I had intended on writing about Fahrenheit 451 even before I saw this post today. My post, however, shall not be satirical, but observational.

Fahrenheit 451 has always been a favorite novel of mine. I've read it several times and Ray Bradbury's word craft is brilliant. I've read his short stories as well, and no matter what you think of Bradbury, he's an entertaining, insightful and gifted writer. So, to the point...

In a passage that comes late in the book, the character Guy Montag is trying desperately to escape capture by the authorities (his crime: becoming a book "sympathizer" and refusing to do his duty as a "fireman" and burn books). It's night time, and helicopters and mechanical hounds are on his trail. In a last ditch attempt at escape, he jumps into a river and floats downstream and away from danger using his valise as a flotation device.

As the current carries him gently along, he senses himself moving from a world of unreality into reality. Bradbury describes Montag as "going away from the people who ate shadows for breakfast, steam for lunch and vapors for supper." And THAT is the line that I underlined in my book.

What a perfect description of the life lived by so many people. Our lives are a vapor anyway, just a blip on the radar screen, and a life lived apart from Christ is as empty as the darkest vacuum.

My prayer for those around me who have not been redeemed is that the Holy Spirit would burn off and blow away the fog of deception that keeps them in darkness. After all, there was a time when I was blind, but God in His mercy healed me, gave me back my sight and brought me to my senses so I could see hear His voice, see the truth, taste His goodness and feel His forgiveness.

Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:25-26


Anonymous said...

strange.. how quick I am to forget that when you're lost and blind and can't taste anything good... you don't 'know' it! Only God can change that. And so for me to get frustrated with unbelievers or worse yet... professing believers who do not see... makes little sense (as does the not-so-gentle way I sometimes come at them). Praying for wisdom and loving mercy. Thanks for the P.K. btw, I enjoyed it for both readings! ;)

The Blainemonster said...

Hey Tim- Yeah, you mentioned Phil, I hadn't realized I had him for two posts in a row!:) I would love to have a few cups of joe with you and Rob, but alas, I have a convention that very weekend I'll be attending here in KS. Maybe the Adirondacks would be a good destination for next year's cycle trip....

BTW, I will be attending next year's T4G conference in Louisville with a good friend from Boston. Any chance you'll be attending?

Anonymous said...

Hah!! You've just given me another good reason to go. It's definitely a conference that is on my radar. I will keep in touch with you on this one. ;)

Rob Peck said...

Guys Guys Guys...It is well known that Tim will be attending DG Pastors conference with his brothers from the Adks!

Thanks for the 2 Tim reference Blaine! I just went through that scripture with my discipleship partner! It is so for me to love those that think they are something that they are not. Gentle instruction is often not my strong point!