Friday, February 4, 2011

Hatred For Israel, And Lots Of It

(The following presentation is brought to you by Isaac and odds since 2000 B.C.)

I hope that opening line doesn't sound too lighthearted, because I don't mean it to be. This sibling rivalry (although it is much more than that - it's a matter of faith in the promises of God) was the seedbed for the interminable conflict between Israel and Islam.

The vitriol expressed in the following video is baffling...and disturbing. The only thing that can adequately explain the intense hatred for Israel that we see all around us the depravity of man, manifested in rebellion against God Himself.

The interesting part of the video begins 58 seconds in (Israel - a terrorist state???). Particularly notable is the statement by Ms. Flounders at 2:48. Sorry, Ms. Flounders, it's actually God who will decide (and has decided) history. I wonder if the United States of America, virtually apostate though she is, will continue to stand with Israel in years to come?

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