Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Laugh At Home

One of the most valuable commodities in our home is laughter. We laugh at ourselves, we laugh at each other, we have a good time.

Just last night I was in my bedroom while some of my boys were in the living room watching America's Funniest Videos. What I heard made me happy ...*BURSTS OF LAUGHTER*...30 seconds of silence...*LOUD GUFFAWING*...30 more seconds...*UNCONTROLLED BELLY LAUGHS*. Good times.

But it isn't just watching people falling down and crashing cats that makes us laugh. We actually enjoy being around each other. I'm not sure how this has happened, but that's how we roll in our house. It may be because we're allowed to not like each other at times. That's right, in our house you're allowed to feel how you feel, as long you hold on to the center of things. That is, if you remember that when it's all said and done, we're family and we love each other to the end. That's a good safe place to be, and genuine laughter comes more easily when you feel safe. It's why we can be carefree even when life is care-full.

Next chance you get, be goofy around your kids. When you're folding laundry put underwear on your head, when you're making dinner imitate the Swedish Chef, make up new lyrics to favorite songs and sing them around the house. These techniques have been proven in our home; perhaps they'll work in yours. Above all, have a good time. And remember: God's joy is our strength.

Hey, if you've read this far, go ahead and read this great little article, too. It's a winner.

BONUS FEATURE! Can you find the hidden boy? Our youngest buried one of his older brothers while they were napping...

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