Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dear 20 Year Old Me

(Yes, Miss Joni, I stole that title from you, but my content will obviously be from a different perspective...)

If only I'd been around when I was 20. I mean me, the 41 year old. I'd have a few things to say to myself, such as:

*You know far less than you think you do, so stop being so cocky.

*You will always regret THAT stupid thing and THAT stupid thing, etc., so don't do it.

*Stop taking your parents for granted.

*When you become a parent, you will realize how awesome your parents are.

*When you're driving home from the hospital with your first child, you don't need to be afraid that the wheels are going to fall off the car.

*Marriage will not be a gauzy dreamscape like in the movies.

*Marriage will be the most amazing thing you'll ever experience.

*Don't ever be mean to your wife. Ever.

*Don't use that one lady for a realtor when you sell your first house.

*Pray more than you think you should.

*Never let a day slip by without Scripture.

*God is bigger than you've ever imagined.

I wonder what my 80 year old self will have to say?


Joni said...

No, I'm only kidding... ^_^

I find the last one wonderfully great- that even years from now I will find God to be even bigger than I thought he was. Gets me excited that barriers of "impossibles" that my silly mind puts up will be broken by His awesome power.

The Blainemonster said...

Yup! I'm constantly amazed at how little I've trusted Him in spite of His immensity!