Monday, February 9, 2009

A Brief Look Back at The Future

Ever read Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451?

Ever read headlines that make you go hmmmmm?

Bradbury's novel has made its rounds through my reading list at least three or four times now, and it's just as fascinating each time I read it. I believe his intent in writing it was, at least in part, to rail against censorship. I understand that, but I also feel like it's a warning against mindless mass media. The book might be misconstrued as anti-technology, but I don't think that's the case.

People used to say "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." I think things have become up-ended lately. The wonderfully wired (or wireless...) world we live in can provide an endless stream of entertainment and distraction, and it's so easy for minds to lose their edge as they slowly grind against modern entertainment. Now, I'm as hip as the next guy when it comes to using technology, but I sure hope - and pray - and am working toward the goal - that my sons will grow up appreciating the feel, smell and delight of a good book. I hope they realize the reward of silence. I want them to fall asleep at night with their faces in the crease of a novel, not with earbuds stuffed in their ears. I want them to learn about themselves and learn about life as they read and think and discover on their own, guided by the Spirit of God.


Anonymous said...

ooooh,yes,yes, yes!!! We just started seeing our boys slip into over "mediaing" themsleves and have created a media accountability system in our house. It is really working well. I too want my boys to love books, art, nature....determined it can only happen if we are purposeful about it. Sorry I am going long but this post really hit home!!!

The Blainemonster said...

Ha! Remember when we used to read Louis L'Amour in the car!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely!!!! One of my favorite memories. We still read in the car only now it's kids adventure books. I've been reading at night the "Cooper Kids Adventures" by Frank Peretti to the boys for the last few months. Last weekend they begged us to take them to the bookstore to by a new series for us to read.