Friday, February 6, 2009

Orthodoxy - Isn't That Some Kind of Dentist?

Orthodoxy is a word not often heard in Christian circles these days. It actually means to have the "right opinion" or the "straight truth."

I may be a tad cynical, but it seems like folks in church are more alert to how nice the greeters are than the substance of the message being taught. It seems as if people are more offended by an imagined snub than a doctrinal misstep. It would appear that Christians will read anything they find in the Christian bookstore and accept what it says carte blanche.

I'm pretty sure Jesus never taught us to be NICE. I am definitely sure He taught us to love one another. I am also definitely sure that He was pretty insistent that we be led by the Spirit of Truth.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. John 16:13

So, to quote someone whom I can't credit because I failed to write down the name (could be Spurgeon):

"The test of orthodoxy, beloved, is not NICE, it is TRUTH."


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Amen, sir.

Orthopraxy is founded on orthodoxy. The level of one's obedience to God is predicated upon what one thinks it is that God requires, and this knowledge must be based solely on an adequate handling of Scripture.

Anti-intellectualism is dishonoring to God.

The Blainemonster said...

Al - Yup! :)

Underdog - Exactly right, couldn't agree more.