Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Road Beckons

New oil, new tires, well-worn gear, and the highway ahead . . .

Later in the month I will start up the Buell and head north to Ashland, Wisconsin for a couple days of solitary refinement.

I'll torque my way through every scenic route in northern Wisconsin and I'll take time to listen to Lake Superior patiently cleansing the shoreline.

I'll be traveling light: rain gear, minimal extra clothing, my Nikon D50, a book and a Bible.

I'll enjoy many quiet hours inside my helmet (and yes, road noise, wind and Buell exhaust notes are quiet according to my definition). I'll remember old songs and pray new prayers.

God willing, I'll return home to my family better rested, more centered, and closer to the kind of man God has called me to be for them.

"Look to the hills, Mat. They are quiet. The storms sweep over them and are gone, and most of man's troubles pass the same way. That is one reason I brought you here, just to learn that. Whenever you feel that things are getting too much for you, go the mountains or the desert - it smooths out the wrinkles in your mind." James Brionne, from "Brionne" by Louis L'Amour


Anonymous said...

I just may need to claim that L'Amour quote.
Be safe brother.

LayGuy said...

Sounds like an awesome trip. Look forward to hearing how it all worked out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Blaine, Be safe and take lots of Pics. Will your at it read Ex.3:2. Might get the chance.

The Blainemonster said...

Tim - The more the road curves, the more my thinking straightens out! :) Thanks.

LayGuy - Should have a report at the end of the month!

Anonymous said...

If that is a truth (and I need no convincing ;), then I just might need to spend a week or two running the Tail of the Dragon at Deal's Gap. Lol.

...learning from Habakkuk this week.


The Blainemonster said...

Wow, Tim - I would love to ride that route. I've never been there, but I've seen the view from helmet cams. Looks amazing!