Friday, November 6, 2009

Healer's Hem

I was remarking a couple of days ago about the poignancy of the various personal encounters with Christ as depicted in the book of Mark. I'm still reeling from reading those stories again, but reeling in a fantastic way - as if it were the first time I'd ever heard these accounts.

I'm so moved by the images . . .
. . . of Christ grasping the hand of the blind man and carefully leading him outside of the town, giving him back his sight - and he sees everything clearly. . .
. . . of Christ dropping to His knees and embracing armfuls of children . . .
. . . of Christ facing another blind man, asking him a question and knowing (perhaps even smiling about) what was going to happen next . . .

I'm like Bartimaeus today . . . Jesus, I want to see . . . I want to follow You down the road.


Anonymous said...

the poignant observances and the taking hold of these real events has blessed me at the end of a work day that found me wondering where my sight had gone. That song set the pace for a change of view... Jesus. thanks brother.

The Blainemonster said...

He is altogether lovely!