Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hearts of Fathers

Today (November 10th, if you happen to not be reading this "today") is my oldest son's 16th birthday. Interestingly, just yesterday I was reading in Luke chapter one where the angel Gabriel declares to Zechariah that his not-yet-born son John (the Baptist) would come in the spirit of Elijah and would "turn the hearts of the fathers to their children." When I read that, the words jumped off the page into my lap, scampered up my arm and lodged in my thought process. Again, I've read these words before a thousand times, but now they are quickened to my spirit and I wonder: what is it about the relationship between fathers and sons that it factors into a major spiritual awakening such as was prophesied in Malachi and realized in the life of John the Baptist, who paved the way for Christ?

I thought to myself (a la the Snapple commercial), "This is heavy stuff. Important stuff. Good stuff. I love this stuff." I mean, I realize that the father-son relationship is HUGELY important: so many spiritual parallels, so many grand opportunities and responsibilities. I get that. And now, suddenly, I am struck with the statement that in the spirit and power of Elijah, John the Baptist, in preparing the way for the Christ, will "turn the hearts of the fathers to their children." Amazing! I know these sterile words I'm typing aren't even coming close to expressing what I'm feeling, but there must be something significant about fathers in regard to spiritual revival. God has placed priority on it.

Well, I found a sermon by John Piper where he addresses this very thing. If you like Piper, go there and read it. If you haven't the time, and you're a father, simply take a minute and consider the "cool factor" here: one of God's priorities (and a powerful one it is) is for you, DAD, to play the man, love your God, love your kids, give yourself to them, teach them, nurture them and launch them into life!


Rob Peck said...

It is indeed an incredible responsibility to be a father and one that is often taken to lightly. My son has lived with his mother 90 miles from me up untill last year. It's a long story, one filled with grace. God is so good. It has been hard learning to be a full time single father but I love it! I will be praying for you and boy today!

Blessings brother!

The Blainemonster said...

Thanks, Rob. Being a dad is simply one of the coolest things ever, isn't it? :)