Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oh Lord, Please Send Someone Else!

Yes, now that's more like it. That's more the way we're likely to react to God's calling, and even to simple everyday obedience. It's really easy to get stirred up (and well we should!) by Isaiah's bold response when, face to face with a fantastic vision of God's presence and given a challenge to deliver His message, he proclaims "Here am I! Send me!" But consider Moses for a moment, who, when confronted with a conscious manifestation of Divine power (with signs to accompany) and a mandate to challenge Pharaoh, responded insipidly, "Oh my Lord, please send someone else."

Ha! I chuckle when I read that. It makes me laugh because I'm so much like Moses in this respect, and I would imagine that most of us are. "Oh Lord, you're making a mistake. A much better choice would be (insert name of more competent Christian)." But nope. God isn't worried one bit about your weaknesses. The crazy thing is that He redeemed you in the first place; it's not so outlandish that He would subsequently ask you to do something with your life.

So, maybe we can be bold enough to speak more like Isaiah and less like Moses. Maybe we can get our eyes off of our weaknesses and fix them squarely on the Lord and His provision for the task.


Rob Peck said...

Thanks brother for this. It is great to know that in our weakness He is strong! I do believe that Mr. Stephen Curtis Chapman sang a song about something like that!

The Blainemonster said...

Yes indeed, Rob. That's a good thing, too, because it seems that all I am is weak!