Monday, April 18, 2011

Two Friends Down Under

Facebook reminded me this weekend of two friends of mine that live in Australia. Both live in Sydney.

One graduated from high school with me in 1988; the other graduated from that same high school in 2006.

One of them used to wonder why I carried my Bible to school; the other spent time in the youth group I lead learning how beautiful God's Word is.

One lives a lifestyle that is far, far from God; the other loves Jesus dearly and is letting his life be shaped by God.

One lives in wealth and comfort and takes exciting and extravagant holidays; the other lives on a shoestring while he attends school at Hillsong.

Both men are often on my heart when I pray.

My heart is heavy as I weep and plead for the soul of one man; I weep with joy when I see how Christ is shining through the life of the other.

How it is that two men from a little town in the middle of America end up in the same city on the other side of the planet is a mystery. Their paths may never actually cross, but I sure hope the first one is captured by God the way the second one has been.

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