Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Save Me Some Cake

A dear member of our church passed away in his sleep last night. His painful battle with cancer is over, and his last earthly breath was a sigh of sweet relief. Up until a couple weeks ago, he was still having family members bring him to church so he could be in the presence of the Lord with God's people. He's certainly got that in spades now!

The thing that made me really smile this morning, though, was the Facebook status of one of his grandsons:

"Congrats, G-pa, you're in Paradise now! Save me some cake! ... Love you, Grandpa."

I'm not sure I've ever heard a better send-off! Maybe today (which is whatever day you happen to read this) it would be good to think for a minute or two about how fantastic heaven will be ~ it might give us a little more energy to endure our battles here below.


Cajun said...

Sorry. Who's dad?

Anonymous said...

It was Doyle Rice. He loved being at church and in the body. He was blessed by the body just last month when they all came down to the alter to pray with him. What a great man and friend of,not only God, but all who knew him. Martin Smith