Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Caught Off Guard

Do you know what T4G is? Click and learn. The music is just one of the many soul-nourishing aspects of the T4G conference. It ain't loud (I like loud), it ain't plugged in (I like electric guitars on 11), and it ain't flashy (I like pyrotechnics). It is Bob Kauflin leading thousands of men in song from a piano: songs that are full of rich meaning and beautifully lyricised doctrine (and I like that the best).

Two years ago at T4G I was stopped in my singing tracks several times when tears came and my vocal chords had to halt. This year it didn't happen until the last day of the conference and we were singing "When Trials Come" by Keith and Kristyn Getty. We sang it in a somewhat more hymnlike fashion than the Getty's recording below, but the melody and words are the same, and it was halfway through the third verse when I suddenly stopped singing and the began to weep with joy.

"My confidence will rest in You, Your love endures, Your ways are good."

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