History is an amazing teacher, and in today's crazy world climate there are lessons from the past that can give us confidence that Someone is still in control.
It was around 605 B.C. when a powerful ruler named Nabû-kudurri-uṣur (better known as Nebuchadnezzar) swept through the land of Israel and, over the next several years, destroyed Jersualem, deposed King Jehoiakim and eventually deported a sizable portion of the population off to Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar was simply being a king bent on conquest. What he didn't realize was that his exploits were guided by the will of an truly Sovereign King. The people of Judah had turned their backs on God for long enough, and drastic measures were needed to turn their hearts in the right direction again. In order to discipline them, God allowed them to witness the destruction of their temple and capital city, two things from which they drew their identity as a people. In addition, they were torn from their homeland and carried hundreds of miles away to be ruled by a foreign king.
Fast forward almost 70 years, and a new conqueror is on the scene. In 539 B.C. a Persian (Persia: modern day Iran) ruler named Cyrus captures the city of Babylon (in a brilliant military move, his army diverted the water of the Euphrates so they could march right into the city) and arrests Nabonidus, then ruler of Babylon. The Jewish captives were still living in Babylon and were perhaps by now a little more tender hearted toward the One True God. History tells us that one of Cyrus' first acts in office was to issue and order releasing these people to return to their homeland. The words of this story that really shine are "the LORD moved the heart of [king] Cyrus."
Once again, the Sovereign hand of God is revealed, working in the lives of men to accomplish His will and His purposes. It's no different today. He is no less powerful, no less in control. From world events to our own personal lives, circumstances can whorl and swirl and seem rather random, but I believe that God at the helm, and all things are working together for the good of those who love Him. Soli Deo gloria!
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