Monday, September 1, 2008

The Earnest

Francis Schaeffer wrote a very readable commentary on the first half of Romans called "The Finished Work of Christ." I highly recommend it. Schaeffer was one of the last century's greatest Christian thinkers and apologists. Below is an excerpt from the book, expounding on Romans 8:23:

"In English law,it used to be the custom that when a portion of land was purchased, the person who was selling the land handed . . . a handful of his soil to the person who was buying it. That handful of soil was the "earnest," or promise, that the whole had been purchased. When you and I are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, this is an earnest of the fact that the whole has been purchased by the blood of the Lamb. The earnest is already ours. He dwells within us in the person of the Holy Spirit. He is the proof that the whole has been purchased. And what is the whole? The whole is the redemption of our bodies. Because the Spirit indwells us, we can be sure that the Lord has purchased our whole being, and the He will one day claim it by raising us from the dead."

In life we endure all sorts of physical trials, from being fatigued to migraines to the painful wasting of dreaded diseases. Ailments are immediate, that is, they directly confront our senses, and therefore factor largely in our day to day life. There are two facts, however, that can (hopefully) somewhat dull the edge of physical suffering.

First, if we are true followers of Christ, the most important healing has already taken place. What good is a healthy body with a sick and withered soul separated from God? How much better to have, through faith in Christ, a soul that is well, forgiven and at peace. Whether we are hale or frail, our salvation is the most important thing.

Second, those who are Christ's can be assured, as Schaeffer's quote explains, that there certainly WILL come a time of healing for the body as well. And not just a healing, but a re-making. Redemption doesn't end with our soul's salvation. Redemption's work is completed when we are united with Christ and our mortal bodies are reworked and remade into immortal bodies. Cool. In Christ, pain is temporary, peace is forever.

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