Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Five

To begin with, I freely confess that I stole the photo ideas in this post from my friend Al.

I don't know what I'd do without my five sons (besides a whole lot less laundry!). They frustrate and delight me, challenge me and concern me, inspire me and make me proud. Whenever I hear of a family that has more than five kids, I secretly think, "lucky!", and become slightly envious.

For every time I've been angry with one of these guys, I've laughed a dozen. I've spent time crying over them and time just thinking hard trying to figure each one out. They are superbly fascinating.

I look forward to coming home at the end of each day and being among these boys I love so much. Our home is really my refuge. I hope it is for the boys as well.

BTW, the firstborn is here. :)


jennamduncan said...

I love your kids too!! They are just so cute! Especially that one with the long hair named Jack! Im gonna marry him someday! :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great being a father to sons. I wish I had 3 more!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait til you begin to see them go off to their own families, careers and calling. It will bring a deep sense of completeness/emptiness, joy/anxiety that fills your very soul.

Johnny O said...

Having four other brothers, I can tell you that it is special for them too. They may not always feel like it right now, but when they get older and look back it will be so fond to them.

Love ya brother!