Friday, July 3, 2009

The Faith of Children

The Sears Tower in Chicago is the tallest building in America. It has 110 floors, and the tippy-top of the antennae is 1,725 feet high. I've been on that observation deck and felt the willies, if you know what I mean.

Recently, someone came up with an idea for an even better view: glass balconies that jut out from the side of the building on the 103rd floor (that's 1,353 feet). Have a look:
These photos are obviously of children out on this perch, and I'm going to make the obvious connection with the "child-like faith" that Christ said was necessary to be a part of His kingdom. My own little ones trust me implicitly. I don't know why, because I'm far from perfect, but I certainly try to be trustworthy. The kids on these glass balconies aren't thinking about structural integrity or the thickness of the glass, they're just thinking "coooooool!"

You'd think it would be an easy thing to trust something or someONE who truly is trustworthy, like our Heavenly Father. Instead of feeling queasy and as if I'm about to plummet to my death, I want to simply believe and trust that He's got a hold of me, my sins have been forgiven, and my future is secure. I think I spend quite a bit of time dishonoring Him by not trusting Him. Might do me some good to remember Jesus' words and keep this image in mind:

For the full story and more pictures, go HERE.

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