Wednesday, July 1, 2009


"When I stand before the throne dressed in beauty not my own;
When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart;
Then, Lord, shall I fully know- Not till then-how much I owe."

I recently read this short bit of verse penned by Charles Spurgeon and my heart was wrenched with longing. Now don't get me wrong - I wasn't feeling too spiritual at the time and had experienced no 'vision of rapture." In fact, I was feeling downright dirty and sinful. I felt my sinful nature clinging to me like putred pond scum.

The line "Love Thee with unsinning heart" really reverberated in my heart and mind. Some days we rejoice as we sense the perfection of Christ growing within us, and some days it's just downright hard to face down our own sinfulness. But one day what a relief we'll experience when redemption in its totality is complete!

And HERE'S a wonderful bit of Scripture to put a period on this post.

1 comment:

LayGuy said...

Awesome post Blaine. Simple, short and yet it touches on what everyone goes through - if they were honest with themselves.

PS - thanks for fixing your feed. Hope it makes a difference in your readership.