Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Don't Mess With The Shepherd King

Next to Christ, are there any Biblical characters that provide one rich lesson after another more than Moses and David? OK, admittedly, they do figure prominently in the Old Testament and with more stories comes more to learn.

In 1 Samuel 30, David and his band of warriors return home to Ziklag after being refused service under Achish. To their horror, they found their hometown raided and burned to ground. All of their belongings, livestock, and most importantly, every family member they had left behind, had been carried off by the Amalekites.

After seeking the LORD's counsel (which was David's constant practice) he and his mighty men set out to pursue the raiding party. Although there was significant attrition from the ranks due to exhaustion, there was some helpful information from an Egyptian that led David to his enemies. And when the Amalekite raiders were found, David attacked, fought and slaughtered for 24 hours, completely wiping them out except for 400 men who escaped on their camels.

The result? Not a single thing was missing or harmed among all that was carried off by the Amalekites. Men were joyfully reunited with their wives and no doubt they cried tears of joy to hold their little ones again - all this under the leadership of the soon-to-be shepherd king.

For me, this is a picture of the triumph of righteousness, the victory of Christ over all His enemies for His own glory and the good of His people. Resounding victory. Complete recovery. He wins every battle, He rescues all that are His. Hail the all-conquering Christ!

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