Monday, July 19, 2010

Fix Your Brain, Says Piper

I was going to go another direction with a post today, but found this video at Adrian Warnock's site and it resonated so clearly with me that I felt I had to share it. It is exactly the sort of thing the Holy Spirit has been whispering into my heart lately, to help steer me away from my weaknesses in these matters . . .

After you've listened, I'd be interested to hear which quotes from this vid struck you in particular? Some of my favorites are: "You fix your brain, not the Bible"..."Intellectualism is a species of pride."..."making theology god, instead of God, god."


semper reformanda said...

couldn't pick one or even a couple of quotes. he absolutely nailed a couple of the beefs i frequently have, namely the anti-intellectualism/anti-doctrine "whiplash" stance and the loving of the loving of God, which can at times appear to surpass the loving of God...the worshiping of a god of their own imagination, etc.

however, so many of his lines turned that right back onto me and my tendencies, too...the love of thinking about, arguing about or "defending' God, being a real danger to supplant loving the Persons of the Trinity itself.

very balanced and concise critique and a wake-up call for nearly all of us, who so often lean too far one way or the other on that horse.

The Blainemonster said...

Well said, I wholeheartedly concur. ;)