Monday, October 10, 2011

Everyone Who Calls

We must not confuse paradox with contradiction...

Too many people have convinced themselves that the doctrine of election and the urgency of evangelism are incompatible and can do nothing other than butt heads. There are those who skirt around the clear Scriptural teaching of election and try to redefine it because, in their minds, an incomplete (or twisted) understanding of this powerful truth has confused the issue for them.

Some contend that the doctrine of election seems to do away with the love of God, making Him out to be cold and calculating. However, I read in Romans that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Others say that the doctrine of election keeps people out of heaven! Untrue. God's saving purpose in election has actually opened heaven's doors for any and all who would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Without God's sovereign initiative we would all be utterly and justly lost, for none would choose him on their own.

It is not intellectually dishonest to believe that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved and at the same time believe that all who are appointed to eternal life will believe. Scriptures that affirm these two simple and separate truths are myriad.

The doctrine of election and the mandate to evangelize are not mutually exclusive. They are merely two different aspects, or facets, of God's redemptive plan. As Spurgeon said, "Look to Jesus and believe on Him, and you will prove your election instantly, for as surely as you believe, you are elect. "

Who can adequately explain this mystery? Not me. All I know is that when I take time to consider it, I'm filled with wonder and awe and worship and gratitude.


THEOparadox said...

Amen. Good post.

The Blainemonster said...

Nothing new, but it bears repeating :)