Friday, October 21, 2011

Just Like Moammar

By now you've likely seen photos of a deceased Moammar Gadhafi. You may have even viewed the videos of the men who captured him cheering and chanting hysterically while parading around his broken and soon to be lifeless body. People hated Gadhafi because he was the stereotypical evil dictator. They wanted him dead and they finally got him. This is what we (human race) do with brutal tyrants and evil men: we call for their execution and rejoice at their demise.

Interesting how we did that to Christ.

Paraded in purple, wearing thorns, wounded grievously, ridiculed, dazed and utterly shamed, Christ was led to his execution by us (humans). And thus we showed ourselves to be evil, tyrannical and brutal.

Christ was innocent. Gadhafi was most certainly not. Nor am I. I'm not as bad as Gadhafi, but I'm bad through and through. There's not a part of me that I can offer up to God and say, "See, this part is still innocent!"

They had to make up charges against Christ. The charges against Gadhafi were piled high over his head, and the wheels of justice ran right over him - chewed him up and spit him out. I'm in an even worse spot apart from Christ...

Now imagine if that was Christ in those photographs and videos: bloodied, reviled and ridiculed (It's all so uncomfortable to watch). The shame, contempt and awful spectacle Christ endured was . . . yours and mine.

What a thing my Savior did. Christ stood in the crosshairs of justice so that we could boldly approach the throne of grace. But it doesn't end there...Jesus is alive!

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