Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Gap Are You Standing In?

Text from a friend a few nights ago, when the day had been particularly difficult for a variety of reasons: "Hey man you were on my mind. I thought I would ask how I can pray for you."

My response, after wide eyes, dropped jaw, and a little contemplation: "Wow. My heart is heavy. [My deep concern went here.]. Wow again. :) Thanks."

His response: "I am in the gap brother."

You have no idea what a profound lift (hmm...oxymoronic?) that was for me. This is not the first time a brother in Christ has told me that his heart was moved to pray for me. I believe the Holy Spirit will prompt us on behalf of our fellow believers if we're paying attention, and that it's not only appropriate to pray, but to tell them we are doing so. The encouragement that accompanies that is unbelievable. What it tells me is that God has not cast me and my problems aside, but is actually enlisting others to wrestle on my behalf.

So let's all pay attention today, shall we?

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

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