Friday, January 6, 2012

Name That Quote: "The National Razor Which Shaved Close"

OK who can nail down the origin of that quote?................That's right! It's from Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities", in which he devises one of the most clever descriptions of a guillotine ever heard. (You did guess correctly, didn't you?)

And why on earth would I reference a guillotine? Because of the following video. It's a bit disturbing, but I think it cunningly highlights something so true about corrupted humanity. I'm pretty certain it was not the video creator's intent to do this, but he has correctly observed a basic Biblical truth about how fallen men operate.

What I see illustrated in this moving comic strip is man's willingness - no - insistence - in going his own destructive way while encouraging others to do the same. Instinctively men resist God, although instinctively men know that He is real.

"These people are not ignorant about what can be known of God, because He has shown it to them with great clarity...Despite the fact that they are fully aware that God's law says this way of life deserves death, they fail to stop. And worse - they applaud others on this destructive path." Romans 1:19,32 paraphrased

Next from toll on Vimeo.

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