Friday, August 22, 2008

Speed and Freedom

The hardest thing about working hard isn't the hard work. It's taking time off from the hard work. Like most folks, I work hard, do what's expected of me and try to do a little extra. I don't neglect my family for the sake of work, but it is possible that I neglect myself. It's easy to not take the needed time away from work to recoup. Therefore, I will be throwing a leg over my motorcycle after church on Sunday and riding away until Wednesday. My closest friend and companion (read: my wife) thinks this is just the thing I need. I was reluctant at first, but I think she's right.

The late Rich Mullins liked to ride a motorcycle occasionally, and even sang about it: "Maybe we could borrow Beaker's bike, let the road wind tie our hair in knots, let the speed and the freedom untangle the lies." The rest of the song is actually quite beautiful and moves me to tears, but that's fodder for another post. I don't have any lies to untangle, but after a frenetic summer schedule, I need the "quiet" of the wind and the road noise. Oh yeah, and the sound of a 1200cc V-twin. I have found that some of my best thoughts come while I'm on my bike as the detritus of many busy days kind of settles out and the good stuff has time to distill.

More importantly, I'll have hundreds of miles to listen to the voice of the One who rides the ancient skies.

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