Friday, February 26, 2010

What John Owen Has Done To Me

Something someone said 350 years ago has cut me to the heart. In The Mortification of Sin, Puritan John Owen writes:

"They deny prodigality, but with worldliness: they separate from the world, but live wholly to themselves, taking no care to exercise lovingkindness in the earth. Or they talk spiritually, and live vainly; mention communion with God, and are every way conformed to the world; boasting of forgiveness of sin, and never forgiving others..."

Owen is referring here to "professors" (that is, people professing faith, but not of faith) and describes the true character of those who have a mere form of godliness. Even so, as a believer I so don't want to live "empty" like this. I look at my life and become keenly aware of how busy-ness and working in the ministry can have the unwanted side effect of numbing me to the tender working of the Spirit in my heart. I absolutely hate that. Ministry should spring from my personal, individual walk with Christ. It doesn't happen the other way around. But God in His mercy brings these things to light and gets me back on track.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the king in 2 Kings that expelled all the false gods, but the Lord said of him, "He did not have a heart for the Lord." Interested in moving away from the wrong things, but not toward the One thing.