Friday, June 18, 2010

A Quick Quote from DeYoung

I've just finished reading Kevin DeYoung's "The Good News We Almost Forgot" (btw, you should really pick this book up - it's instructive, edifying and winsomely written), and this quote is from one of the pages I've kept bookmarked:

"Anger is one of those respectable sins. It doesn't seem like a big deal. Granted, not all anger is sin (think Jesus in the temple). It is possible to be angry and sin not (Eph. 4:26). But, honestly, that doesn't describe most of our anger. Sinful anger is anger directed at the wrong person, motivated by the wrong reasons, or out of proportion to the offense. Sadly, this is a truer description of our anger. We take our rage out on other people, get upset for less than noble purposes, and blow up over minor hurts and slight inconveniences. We get grumpy with checkout clerks, snap at tech support over the phone, hold grudges against our spouse, spew venom when sports don't go our way, wish the worst on our enemies, and cherish thoughts of revenge toward those who hurt us....

"We can talk about murder and the sins of others, but if we don't love our neighbors - even those who get their theology all wrong and those who annoy us to no end - we have not been transformed by the Spirit of Jesus and we have not truly understood the Sixth Commandment."


Anonymous said...

I have this love-hate relationship with the Word of God... I love what He says and I often hate what it illuminates in me. I'm glad those who have been there and experienced God's mercy and grace are willing to bring these gentle rebukes to those of us still in the clutches. Thanks.

The Blainemonster said...

Well it appears I'm the same boat you are Tim! :)