Thursday, June 17, 2010

Those Cursed Thorns

"Cursed is the ground because of will produce thorns and thistles for you..." Genesis 3:17,18

Three summers ago, some creature, probably a bird, ate a blackberry in the woods, flew over my backyard and "deposited" the remains of it near my garden. A volunteer plant sprung up and last year I picked my first blackberries from this "gift". This year, the bushes have quadrupled in size and I can hardly keep up with the picking.

I don't know why, but I love berries. I don't care too much about the thorns and chiggers; I will pick berries as long as there are berries to pick. Lately I've found myself thinking about blackberry bushes on the new earth: thornless and chigger free. I imagine myself actually laying down among the bushes and eating to my heart's content.

I think it's good for believers to consider their future digs. It does give a little perspective on life. It won't make the problems disappear, but it's a nice breath of fresh air. Jesus said He had to go away to prepare a place for us, and He's not one to lead people on. If He said He's making a new home for us, He'll return to take us there.

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth..." Revelation 21:1

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