Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Birth Certificate

"We ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit..." Romans 8:23

Near the top of the list of "cool things I've read recently" comes from the book How The Gospel Brings Us All The Way Home by Derek W. H. Thomas:

"The word translated 'firstfruits' (Greek, aparche) was also used to describe the birth certificate of a free man.  The Spirit serves as our 'birth certificate' testifying that we belong to the family of God and, more especially, that we belong to the Father."

Just another nuance of meaning that reinforces the incredibly cool guarantee that the Holy Spirit represents in the life of the believer.  I have proof I'm a citizen of heaven and that God is my forever Father: the Holy Spirit, my birth certificate! (And there's no question of His authenticity...)

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