Friday, May 25, 2012

Turn That Argument Around

There are more reasons to doubt the non-existence of God in the universe than to doubt His existence.  One example, as explained by Jim McGuiggan:

"But I wonder: how do unbelievers explain the presence of love in the world?  I've read responses to this question, but they don't fully satisfy me.  A world with evil in it raises questions about a good God, but a world with Jesus in it raises questions about no God.  A world with Nazis in it raises serious questions for believers, but a world with sacrificial love raises serious questions for unbelievers.

As long as there is Jesus; as long as there are loving friends, parents, husbands, and wives; as long as there are those who do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly...there are grounds for believing in God."

As fallen, rebellious humans, we naturally tend to scurry as fast as we can to deny the existence of God, blaming Him (even as we deny Him) for the deep disaster we see all around us, giving no quarter to any thought that reveals us as the culprits.

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