Thursday, October 23, 2008

How Deep!

Two things have brought me wagon loads of encouragement this week.

The first is the serendipitous discovery of something one of my sons had written in the back of his Bible: "I love the Bible. You can really get connected [to God] by reading the Bible. I love my mom and my dad. I love Jesus."

This is the kind of thing a boy might never reveal to his parents, but would easily pen in the flyleaf of his Bible, pouring out his heart honestly. There's no guile there, no reason to "fluff" the words so others would be impressed; it was simply a young boy expressing his heart. And you have no idea what it did for this father's heart.

The second thing that encouraged me this week was the discovery of a new song, a modern day hymn, that I've heard before but never really "heard", if you get my drift. The song is "How Deep The Father's Love For Us" by Stuart Townend. Townend has also written "In Christ Alone", another modern hymn familiar to many. His melodies are simple yet stirring, and the lyrics are deep and full of Truth. Not a word is wasted in these hymns, there's no need to repeat a line several times to stir up emotion, for these songs deliver God's truth to the soul with the strength of ocean waves.

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