Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reclaiming Science From Darwinism

I have begun reading "Reclaiming Science From Darwinism" by Kenneth Poppe. One of the first sentences in the book expands on the title: "Today's powerful scientific and mathematical challenges to Darwinism show it to be a failed theory, and it is time that science no longer be captive to its control."

For many years I have been utterly amazed that learned men and women continue to tout Darwinian evolution as the answer to the question of origins. And let me add here that being "learned" doesn't mean you become an evolutionist. There are many, many highly educated and trained people in all scientific disciplines who reject Darwinism in favor of Design and Creationism. Kenneth Poppe himself is a career biology instructor (more than 25 years) with a PhD in education and has assisted in DNA research of stream ecology.

I have made conclusions as to why the tenets of Darwinism are clung to so tightly, but that will have to be a subject for another post.

The point here is the one that Poppe makes, namely that:
"The processes and phenomena currently operating within the universe and on Earth are insufficient to produce themselves. No amount of natural evolutionary theory can account for the complexity and compatibility that are continually observed by science. Therefore, there must be a guiding intelligence repeatedly involved in creating the complexity, but not subjected to it. Such complexity must always be the result of intended information because there is a mathematical limit to what blind luck can accomplish."

Simply put, science and Darwinian evolution don't mix. As Poppe says, "Natural evolution must release its stranglehold on science." Regular folks like you and I (or maybe you aren't regular...) who oppose Darwinism must understand the we are not battling science when we confront evolution in our learning institutions and in the media, but that science is, in fact, on our side. Stay tuned.

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