Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not A Chance

Naturalistic evolution is mathematically impossible. The basics of 'life' are not really basic, but mind-bogglingly complex. The tiny proteins, enzymes and amino acids that comprise 'life' are utterly dependent on precise structures and relationships in order to actually function. The odds of life springing up by chance are beyond staggering. In fact, the mathematical odds prove that, no matter how much time is allowed, life beginning by chance is statistically impossible.
And this is to say nothing of some so-called 'earliest life-form' going through multiplied millions of changes (and somehow acquiring information and the necessary instantaneous complexity) to become everything that now teems over the face of the earth. For the hard and fast numbers, please check out a book I've referenced before by someone who has already done the crunching for us.

In the meantime, I will reference another blog with an excellent visual illustration that plainly demonstrates there IS INDEED a Designer. The World As Seen Through An Atheist's (Irreducibly Complex) Eyes.

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