Thursday, January 29, 2009

Empty Rhetoric, Weighty Matters

So, I guess this is partly entertainment and partly a serious matter. The video below is good for several hearty chuckles, and I think demonstrates how vacuous political rhetoric really is.

One of those final statements is, "I guess when Obama says this stuff, I don't think he really means it!" Now that's funny, but it's funny because we think it's true.

But this post is not meant to be a political statement. This post isn't about words and rhetoric, but about action. In 2002, President Bush signed into law the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and in 2003, he signed into law the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act: proof positive that this man is pro-life and he demonstrated it in his actions. I am afraid, truly, of the direction our nation will head in the next four years in regard to abortion "rights" with a democratic (and heavily liberal) congress and a democratic (and certainly liberal) President.

Now more than ever it's time to pray, to educate, and to inform. I'll let John Piper close this post for me:


Anonymous said...

The first video made me laugh and the second made me cry.....

The Blainemonster said...

I know, me too.