Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bono's Marriage (And Mine)

It's unusual to find a monogamous, long-running marriage in the world today, much less in the world of rock and roll. Bono (of U2 - you've heard of them, no?) has this to say about his almost 30 years with his wife Ali:

"I wasn't set up for marriage. I was not the kind of person that any of my friends would say, 'He's the marrying kind.' but I met the most exraordinary woman, and I couldn't let her go. I have somebody in my life, after a long time, I still feel I don't know. And we have a real sort of almost creative distance between us...relationships need management...I don't know how others would have made it through a married life with that length of time, but that's how I have...and of course respect and love. I'm still in love."

He goes on...

"Maybe a strong sense of survival. I can't remember his quote exactly, but there is a writing by Jean Cocteau where he says friendship is higher than love. Sometimes, it's less glamorous, or less passionate, but it's deeper and kind of wiser, I think. At the heart of my relationship is a great friendship."

Bono has described things pretty well I think.

I'm the kind of guy that likes to work alone, that likes to be alone, and doesn't have a high need for friendship - not good factors to mix into a marriage. However, I too have met an extraordinary woman and haven't been able to let her go. She fascinates me more and more as the years go by, and I'm still getting to know her. Together we've decided that this marriage thing is forever, and because of that, and the friendship we've forged, we've passed through some deep waters together and come out dripping, but more in love. I've told her before and I'll tell her again: she's the only person I can't live without.


Anonymous said...

Wonderfully said,my son, you are both blessed to have one another.Love you and your family

Unknown said...


Like you, I need lots of time alone to be able to function well. And like you, I have been blessed with a wife whom I am willing to die for—and live for.

This post has been a tremendous blessing.

Thank you.

Soli Deo Gloria!

cjbooth85 said...

What Bono said was good, but what you said is better.....

The Blainemonster said...

Chris - Haha thanks.:)

Underdog - I'm sure Chris would agree, that he who finds a Godly wife finds what is good.

TimW said...

Blaine... just another guy willing and wanting to say a grateful AMEN to an awesome God who gives us such good things... especially wonderful godly wives! thanks.