Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Almost Like His Last Name

Grace doesn't mean as much when we forget where we came from.

"I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt."

God Almighty uses the words "who brought you out of Egypt" as a suffix to His name at least twenty times in the Old Testament when He is speaking to His people through the prophets. He would not let them forget where they came from, and Who had rescued them.

In the New Testament, Paul wouldn't let his sheep forget it either:
"[R]emember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world." Ephesians 2:12

Grace doesn't mean as much when I forget that although I'm a member of the completely fallen human race, I have been adopted by God through the very intentional atonement accomplished by Christ, I've been transformed and made alive by the Holy Spirit and I'm currently and persistently being held by God.
(Credit to whom it is due)

He is the LORD my God, who brought me out of Egypt! Apart from His work, I would still be a slave in a land of darkness.


cjbooth85 said...

I really like it that you connected 'remember' from the OT to the 'remember' in the NT. Good point. glad I read this.......

Rob Peck said...

Thanks for this reminder brother! It saddens me that we are so forgetful, that we need to be reminded so often of what it is that God did for us. I am glad though that God is faithful to remind us!

Have a blessed day my friend!

The Blainemonster said...

I tell ya what, fellas - the older I get (and I'm not even that old) the more I realize how helpless I am and have ALWAYS been apart from grace. It's just amazing :)

semper reformanda said...

my $.02 is that we REALLY do need reminders ("prone to wander, Lord i feel it; prone to leave the God i love")...and He knows that, which is why He has given us so many.

the biblical feasts, Sabbath, biblical eating and tzitzit are a great - and tangible way - to always be rehearsing some part of the triune God's great work to bring us to Him (for grownups and kids). a valuable gift from the Father that has been too long neglected by the church, unfortunately...and doubly sad that the neglect has often been intentional, in the name of freedom from bondage, legalism, works, etc.

OK, done ranting... ;-)


The Blainemonster said...

And a very sincere rant it was, Kevin! :) We also have the Lord's Supper, done in remembrance of the One whose acts and sacrifice were the culmination of all of those wonderful works of God ;)