Monday, March 29, 2010

An Uneven Trade

One of the greatest assurances we have as believers in the security of our salvation is how it was accomplished.

"God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21

When I am feeling my worst, either pounded by sin and temptation, or just simply struggling with the brokenness of my humanity, meditating on these facts brings floods of relief, awe, tears and worship.

My substitute . . . salvation specifically for me . . . that death, that punishment . . . the most amazing transaction the world has ever heard. He didn't do it so that I might perhaps believe. He did it so I could and would believe. And He sealed the deal with His own blood, His own life. His arm is not too short to save and save completely. "O to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy goodness like a fetter bind my wandering heart to Thee!"

Can this be preached too much? Never.


cjbooth85 said...

I can't believe that you posted this. This is so weird. Really. I just completed two posts, one for Good Friday, and another for anytime, that essentially say these same things! Good Friday's is about that same verse, and saying kind of the same thing about it, and the other about that same hymn you quoted from! I am not kidding, this is spooky. I'll post the one about the "Come Thou Fount today...there, I just did...

Maybe if I can get enough momentum with these very similarly themed posts, maybe, just maybe, I'll get ahead of you haha...

cjbooth85 said...

Oh, by the way, "yes" on re-posting Jimmy's 'poem.' I actually pulled it off his facebook

The Blainemonster said...

LOL! Ok, yeah, well I guess the Holy Spirit wanted that truth out there this week! :) That's so awesome. And Come Thou Fount is one of my favorite songs, especially for the congregation. Wow.

And thanks again for posting that bit by Jimmy, I'm going to share that one!

TimW said...

this has been a day of thorough encouragement! wow.

I don't think its too strong to say I cherish this statement... "He didn't do it so that I might perhaps believe. He did it so I could and would believe."

Now that is love... that is sovereign grace. I love that God is changing our lives with the wonder of who He is... these are the things meant for our minds and hearts to meditate on and rejoice in.
Thanks Blaine.