Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kick It While It's Down

Believe it or not, one of the books that has helped me greatly in my Christian walk is Sun Tzu's The Art of War. No, really! It's just full of clear-headed, simple tactics to make the most of every combat situation and gain the upper hand over the enemy. One main point stressed in the manual is simply to know your enemy; understanding who or what you're dealing with helps you to be better prepared.

Oh, and I'm not talking about people by the way . . . just sin.

Well, I'm not sure if John Owen ever read Sun Tzu, but he makes the same point in The Mortification of Sin. He says in chapter six, "And indeed, one of the choicest and most eminent parts of practical, spiritual wisdom consists in finding out the subtleties, policies and depths of any indwelling sin."

We must understand our particular weaknesses, when we are most susceptible to the immoral machinations of our flesh, and be on guard. He goes on to point out that we should "be able to say at [sin's] most secret and ... imperceptible actings: 'This is your old way and course, I know what you aim at' ; and so to be always in readiness; this is a good part of our warfare."

The well-seasoned sin-sniper "never thinks his lust dead because it is quiet; but labours still to give it new wounds, new blows, every day. (Colossians 3:5)" In other words, kick it when it's down.

I know my weaknesses and sinful proclivities, and I do well to avoid even putting one toe toward the path that might lead to a full-blown temptation. Why mess around? I've got to daily keep that strangle hold on my sin - even when it's not trying to rear its ugly, tempting head - until it's finally gasped its last breath. (John Piper has no television in his home because he understands his enemy.) Through prayer, surrender, the cleansing of the Word, and walking carefully I'll make headway. And then I'll tackle the next one.


cjbooth85 said...

"The well-seasoned sin-sniper 'never thinks his lust dead because it is quiet; but labours still to give it new wounds, new blows, every day. (Colossians 3:5)' In other words, kick it when it's down."

Yes. Excellent and well said.

Violence is sometimes a virtue.

"Holy War."

cjbooth85 said...

you probably saw this already, but anyway...

The Blainemonster said...

Chris - No, I haven't heard that sermon yet! I'm excited - I'll have to wait until Monday to listen (fewer interruptions at work than here at home). Looking forward to it - thanks!

cjbooth85 said...

Oh, its good plus john piper wears a black shirt so as to blend in at mars hill in seattle. That was new.

Sermon is on one verse: Romans 8:13. Rich dining...bring an appetite....

cjbooth85 said...

Man! I just saw that you have quite teh bevy of boys! You are rich indeed!

Oh, and what kind of pastor are you? are you a 'worship pastor?' 'Music Minister?' Youth? Family? And does your church have a website? I have a friend who just built his church's website, so I'm just wondering....

The Blainemonster said...

Yes! A quiver full around here :). That makes their mom the Queen, and she likes that. As it turns out, I'm the worship leader and youth pastor at our church. Been here since 1995 (!!!).

We just dumped our old web host and started up a new one, so the new site is a little plain right now : . It's a little strange - I'm very reformed in my faith and very much a believer in the continuance of the gifts (much like Piper, I guess). My pastor wonders about me sometimes . . . :) I don't mind at all being where I'm at - the A/G is Gospel-centered and missions-minded. There are always those on the fringes, but I think that's true in most cases and denominations. In the meantime, I'll just put up with the Arminianism and keep preaching Jesus! :)